Service clients with digital client interfaces
Validate your clients
(KYC Processes)
Meet compliance requirements and assess risks
Confirm client identify, protect against fraud
Validate identify remotely using eKYC on mobile app, including proof of life check and database check
Leverage existing KYC to open accounts (KYC reliance)
Simplify KYC for basic deposit accounts, adapt process to risk level
Integrate with advanced validation processes for higher risk clients
Give clients control
(mobile, app, web)
Best in class information and transaction options
Native mobile interface, re-skinned to your brand, or dedicated app
Account application via mobile app
Text message gateway, configurable and triggered by API, Control accounts via facebook messenger
Integration with your front-ends, including web-sites and apps
Simplify applications
(data gathering tools)
Gather information and on-board clients via online tools
Gather data via loan origination systems
Integrate data via API integrations
Confirm documents from electronic signatures
Connect via multiple channels
(CRM tools)
Multiple channels to connect to your clients, managed through a unified portal
Messenger, chatbot and facebook
Email and phone
Analytics tools
Integrated client ticketing system
Provide client access via web-site and mobile apps